Online Problems

For the best experience to see the full Pilates catalogue we recommend using a Laptop or Tablet at the moment and you will see a screen like this: 


If you scroll down this page you can see some predefined channels grouping videos of the same type together (beginner intermediate etc) or you can use the top window and select a Category.

By default the Mobile view shows the latest Pilates Videos and if you press on the first video you will get the latest 9 videos.

To see the full video catalogue you need to press the Menu option (3 dots on right of screen) and select visit channel: 

image 1 1

*If you don’t see the 3 dots and see a list of 9 videos press back on the phone and wait till you see the screen above.

Next select “Visit Channel” 

image 2

You will now get access to the full video collection: 

image 3

​To see all videos in a Categories like Low back Pain or Beginner press “All Categories” and select the class type you want: 

image 4

Also if you are still having problems you can actually request the desktop site on the phone. If you search in google for instructions or contact

Video Shows Coming Soon
If you see Coming Soon this is due to the internet connection your phone currently has and it is not fast enough to load the site. Please try again by moving location or joining a WIFI network. Also Sometimes simply refreshing the web page can also help. 

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We’re so sorry to hear that you aren’t happy with our service. Your feedback is really important to us and we do all we can to make sure we are constantly improving. Please leave your feedback for us below and we’ll get back to you to see what we can do to resolve any issues you may have.

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We’re so sorry to hear that you aren’t happy with our service. Your feedback is really important to us and we do all we can to make sure we are constantly improving. Please leave your feedback for us below and we’ll get back to you to see what we can do to resolve any issues you may have.